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Hello, I would just like to inform you that someone on Roblox has created a game that I believe is plagiarizing directly from your work on this game. I don't know if you allowed this or if this was your work being stolen, but I just wanted to make sure you knew.


I just played it and I think it's pretty cool, don't really have a problem with it since it has it's own things in it and I can see the effort put into it. Thank you for letting me know!


great spooky vibes and one moment in particular really got me!

Gameplay BR

Nice game

Game ini ceritanya menarik banget, tapi sayang endingnya kentang....

Story: 8/10

Creepy: 7/10


Really Good Game!




Short, but really enjoyable. Great work! :)


It was shorter than I thought but I had fun with it. Maybe it's just me but It could've used some background music and more build-up but I understand that it is a short horror game. Good job devs.



This game was pretty tuff! I enjoyed it.

(1 edit) (+2)

first time seeing this creepypasta 




This Game Is Amazing 

Made me make theories about the story 

i love it keep the hard work buddy 



This was fantastic and insanely creepy! 


This is the best Creepypasta!I like it.Nice job! 


Really liked the game looking forward to play more of your games


This was probably the best Creepypasta game I have played or seen in a long while. This was a fantastic game that was actually really close to the original story that came out so long ago and also gives me hope that good games can indeed come from creepypasta's. 

Keep up the good work!


my kidney sleepwalked away (Game #2)


Good art and good game!



Hey Hello there guys. This games was a wild ride xD


This game was cool! Had more story than I was expecting, and had no idea about the creepypasta before playing. Ran smooth and the voice acting was a nice touch, and the jumpscares definitely got me. Nice work!


The game is short but enjoyable as hell, the mechanics are good, no bugs encountered and a short lovely experience. If you wanna watch feel free to click, but I suggest playing it yourself!


Simple but i love it, reminded me from the good old times when my brother a fanatic to this creepypasta thing




nice short game i enjoyed it :) 


I absolutely loved the game and was terrified throughout it! Keep up the good work. (here is my playthrough if anyone is interested!)
Deleted post


Loved this game 


RIP edwin. u were the best brother a man could ask for



I love how chill they are about randomly missing organs lol

I wasn't familiar with this particular character prior to playing this and I think that made it even more unsettling/creepy. Very good creepy short game, well done!


Cool game and nice little story! I really liked the part where you wake up in the hospital room after being attacked by Eyeless Jack. LOL! Keep up the great work. :)

This was an interesting game, surprised me for real! Great work!


Nice game

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